
5Ritmes docenten

"“It is a gift having the courage to move your wounds and find your freedom.” Deep wounds once held me, hostage, believing that I am not good enough, I don’t deserve this, and others are better than me. The transformation happened slowly with"
California Teacher Community

Bettina Neumann

5Rhythms Teacher in Training

Over a decade ago, Bettina discovered the transformative power of the 5Rhtyhms after attending her first class. From that moment, she felt a deep sense of belonging and knew that this practice was her home. 

Professionally, Bettina has been a licensed Physical Therapist for over 30 years. She is also a somatic movement educator, coach, sound healer, and bodyworker.  With her wealth of knowledge and experience, she brings a holistic approach to her work. 

Location: San Francisco, California, United States
Danst sinds: 2012
Talen: German, English

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San Francisco, California, United States
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