
5Ritmes docenten

"I invite you to put your whole self in motion and to follow your bliss..."
Western Canada Teacher Community

Bettina Rothe

Gecertificeerde 5Ritmes docent
I bring people together into sacred space. That is my gift. My invitation is always the same: come as you are and be open to expanding, deepening and enjoying your true self. I offer the teachings of the 5Rhythms in Vancouver, BC. This work has absolutely transformed me and my life since I first set foot on the dance floor at Esalen Institute in 1994. The practice of the 5Rhythms work is an ally for me, something I can come back to no matter how I feel or what is going on. When I met Gabrielle Roth I knew I had found my teacher and that her work would allow me to integrate many of my passions and practices – ranging from clinical psychology to ecstatic dance. This practice changes lives. It has changed mine. I have seen it over and over in my classes and workshops: people heal, bodies change, hearts open, veils lift, frozen aspects of self come back to life. I bring together individuals and groups into a safe, nurturing and non-judgemental environment that helps create a state of being that is heart-centered, aware and embodied.
Maps: Waves
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Danst sinds: 1994 Geeft les sinds: 2004
Talen: German, English

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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


20 Sep 2024 - 22 Sep 2024
Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada
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