
5Ritmes docenten

"I don't dance the world I see, I dance the world I feel "

Gina Espinosa

Gecertificeerde 5Ritmes docent
As a dancer, I felt always trap in the technique. Always feeling something was missing, like learning a language but just using a certain amount of words.
I studied Classical, Jazz, Funky, Street HipHop, Flamenco, Contemporary, Contact, Butoh...and so on. 
Diving deep down in one technique for 3 or 5 years and then jumping to another one. Always feeling that it wasn't enough, always willing to find new words, new sentences in this language called "dance".
5 Rhythms came through one of my theatre teachers and after dancing Gabrielle's guided wave I felt deeply touched by something I was looking for all these years without knowing... FREEDOM in my dance.
A free open space, a new canvas where I can use all the dialects, accents, and sentences that resonate every day in a different way inside of me; I can be passionate and talk flamenco, I can be playful and get Funky moves or I can be fascinated about my movement and touch the contemporary dance language... whatever it is even if it's a new dance, my own dance with all the forms and no forms in it... only with the 5 Rhythms map I found a place I can be me and not a technique.
And through the journey of going deep in this map, my true self came out, my transformation and my offering.
As a Teacher, I can only offer my fully truthful, humbling experience that its the connection with this map and this practice.
It might serve you as it serves me or it might show you the way IN to go OUT in your own way, in your own form.
But one way or another keep seeking for your language, your dialect.... your dance.

Maps: Waves
Location: Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
Danst sinds: 2009
Talen: Catalan, English, Spanish

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Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
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Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain


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Girona, Catalunya, Spain
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