Jason Goodman
Gecertificeerde 5Ritmes docent
I spent my first decades always looking for a sign, never considering that perhaps the signs were all around me - I just didn't understand the language, couldn't read the map, wouldn't change my perspective. When the 5Rhythms found their way into me, that all changed - the 5Rhythms gave me the tools to see my universe will all my senses fully awake and engaged.
My first encounter with Gabrielle Roth and the 5Rhythms happened back in 1994. The dance was in a most unlikely place - a carpeted hotel convention ballroom in Times Square - but it's one of my most treasured memories. All my life I had danced in my living room, mostly alone - now here was the chance to dance my true self - or as Gabrielle would say, all my true selves - in a community that was not only welcoming but one that was committed to everyone having the opportunity to deepen their dance - and their ability to love. In my extended chrysalis as a student, I have experienced profound insight into my own path - I now look forward to leading others on their journeys in the direction of their truth.