
5Ritmes docenten

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music - Friedrich Nietzsche"
Indonesia Teacher Community

Sophie Daubisse

Gecertificeerde 5Ritmes docent

The furthest back I remember, I see myself dancing.

My body always knew there is a place under my skin, underneath the bones, within the fascia that holds a great intelligence. Not the intelligence of my head. Something else that is longing to express freely. And I started to search for a practice that would help me access this place.

In 2010, I discover 5R in Montreal with one of the pioneer's practice and to me, on of the most inspiring5R teacher: Erik Iversen. 

I moved to Bali in 2014 and embarqued on the Teachers training path in 2016 right after joining the spaceholder's module. I have been holding sweats in Bali since that year and I am humbly proud to be now joining the 5R certified teachers community that carries the practice around the world.

I will do my best to honor Gabrielle's words: to be the teaching, not a teacher.

Maps: Waves
Location: Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
Danst sinds: 2009 Geeft les sinds: 2024
Talen: English, French

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Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
16 Feb 2025
Ubud, Bali, Indonesia


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