
5Ritmes docenten

"I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. -Rabindranath Tagore"
Sweden Teacher Community

Susanne Nilsson

Gecertificeerde 5Ritmes docent

I met the 5 Rhythms in 2003, and it was love at first dance. I remember I didn't want to leave the room after my first class, this magical room where all this "full-on" life was going on, full of color, meaning and togetherness. Since then I have danced through life -come rain, come shine. The Rhythms have been an ally since the first day. When I started to dance my two boys were small, and life was challenging as a single mother. A couple of years later I danced through the death of my childrens father.

I love to teach the 5rhythms, to seduce people into their body and soul. I love to connect with people through the dance, it's the most natural, deep and real way.

Maps: Waves
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Danst sinds: 2003
Talen: English, Swedish

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11 Feb 2025
Lagos, Portugal
14 Feb 2025
Lagos, Portugal
Stockholm, Sweden


30 Jun 2025 - 4 Jul 2025
Stockholm, Sweden
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