
5Ritmes docenten

"When I dance my own dance, my divine self goes through me and explodes in ecstasy for life. Quando danço minha própria dança, meu eu divino me atravessa e explode em êxtase pela vida. "
Brazil Teacher CommunitySouth America Teacher Community

Sybelle de Lima

5Rhythms Teacher in Training
I'm a curious and passionate person who loves discovering myself, life and the world at most. I'm your best and easy going travel companion.As a professional Public Relations working with marketing, organizing corporate events and as well as a worldwide traveler I could experience that I have no control of what happens and the more I surrender the more fluid is life.

Dancing 5Rhythms it's like love at first sight! I fell in love with... in my first "Sweat" and after that came the addiction to it. I can move my body and get to pure ecstasy for myself, for others and for life. 

When I'm practicing my own dance I feel the full joy of living in my body and to be present to the momentum. I'm more authentic and true to myself and others. With 5 Rhythms I can be a better Woman, lover, mother, daughter, sister, friend and a better human being for the planet.

And I want to share this medicine with others. I believe that being myself and sharing my journey I can move energy around and allow people to find their own dance and just BE!

Location: Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Danst sinds: 2018
Talen: English, Portuguese, Spanish

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Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
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