
5Ritmes docenten

"The life of each one of us is not an attempt to love. It is the only trial. (Pascal Quignard) "
France Teacher Community

Vincent Fournout

5Rhythms Teacher in Training
Gravity, breath, breath, breath, feet, legs, hips, belly, shoulder, arms, hand, head, blood, bones, skin, guts, muscle, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, and heart. Listen to the rhytms and let's dance what is here in the present moment. 

Gravité, souffle, souffle, souffle, pieds, jambes, hanches, ventre, épaules, bras, mains, tête, sang, os, peau, entrailles, muscles, cœur, cœur, cœur, cœur et cœur. Écoute les rythmes et danse ce qui est là, dans l'instant présent. 
Location: Paris, France
Danst sinds: 2008
Talen: English, French

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Paris, France
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