Break us down to our very essence and we'll find that what we have in common is elementary - made up of the same matter, walking the same earth, sparked by the fire of life's blood, cleansed by water, breathing the same air, preciously inhabiting the space around us and inside of us. But how often do we take the time to break ourselves down to that essence, to be fully in our elements, discover when and how we are earth, where our fire lives in our bodies, how we can call on the medicine of water to release what holds us back from being a creative being, ride the air of transformation, and find the space to be whole and holy. When we dance together through this alchemical Wave, we surrender to the elements, find what we're made up of, fill in what's missing, and bring ourselves back to what's essential in our lives, and to all life - led by the simple, essential, elementary map of the 5Rhythms.
Friday 4/20 7:30-10:30PM - Open evening ($40 - walk-in only)
Saturday 4/21 3PM-9PM
Sunday 4/22 3PM-9PM
Friday: Joffrey Ballet School - 434 6th Avenue
Saturday & Sunday: Gibney - 280 Broadway (entrance is on Chambers St.)
To register: https://5rhythms.wufoo.com/forms/elemental/
For more info email Henya: TMCNY@5Rhythms.com
Full workshop fulfills 15 hours of Waves practice towards 5Rhythms Teacher Training prerequisites.
Refund Policy
For a full refund minus a $50 processing fee, you must cancel at least 4 weeks in advance of this workshop. For a full refund minus a 50% processing fee you must cancel at least 2 weeks in advance of this workshop. Within 2 weeks of this workshop all refunds will be subject to participant replacement. If you do not show up for the workshop without communicating and we were unable to fill your spot, your money will not be refunded.
In the event that the organizer cancels this workshop, for any reason:
- A full refund of the tuition fee received from a participant will be made.
- The organizers will hold no financial responsibility for the participants travel expenses.
- Every attempt will be made to give as much prior warning of cancellation as possible.
See you on the dance floor!
Registration Policy
Pre-Registration Required
In een 5Ritmes® Waves Workshop ervaar je de basis van het gehele 5Ritmes spectrum. Tijdens een workshop vindt verdieping plaats van je fysieke expressie, de ritmes en hun polariteiten.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.