Embodied Waves
We live our lives on display always conscious of the possible reactions of others as we make our choices. Even our periodic rebellions against the restrictions and facades that are part of our daily interactions are calibrated against what others may feel and say about us. So often we are lumbering through life disembodied and disconnected.
The philosophy behind the 5Rhythms ® is authentic dance is essential to wholeness. When we dance the 5Rhythms® we use dance the way our ancestors did. We dance to express; to release; to heal; to create community; to create ritual; and to call forth.
As we dance flowing, the fluid mistress where each movement we make flows directly into the next, we actively choose to move past judgment and self-consciousness to being. In flowing we create circular movements that do not have and end or a beginning.
We deepen our embodiment with the second rhythm of staccato.
When we dance staccato, the spicy master of self-expression, we allow ourselves to be seen as we are in that moment without artifice. We create movements that are clear and direct with a definite beginning and end.
In the third rhythm of Chaos we shed skins. Chaos beckons ….inviting us to release…let go, let it all go….to shape-shift. The element of chaos is water. Our own electric waters wash away what no longer serves us. Old patterns that cover the authentic self are transformed.
The storm shifts in lyrical. We release letting go. We dance without any effort. We allow our natural patterns of moving to take over knowing that we are enough and no special effort is required. We move in ways that feel good to the body.
In stillness the dance moves inside as we begin to create pauses in our movement. Since stillness is the natural order of things, all living things require time for rest (and hopefully reflection); we are able to deepen our self-acceptance and embodiment.
3 hour class:
Warm-up (free dancing)
Introduction/demonstration of the 5Rhythms
Closing circle
Pricing: $30/members & $40 nonmembers
Refund Policy
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In een 5Ritmes® Waves Workshop ervaar je de basis van het gehele 5Ritmes spectrum. Tijdens een workshop vindt verdieping plaats van je fysieke expressie, de ritmes en hun polariteiten.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.