
5Rhythms Workshop

Freedom in Motion

Led by: Chris Boylan
26 Jan 2019
Locatie: Hull, Victoria Dock Village Hall HU9 1TS
Hull, United Kingdom Show map

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5Rhythms® is a simple dynamic meditation suitable for all shapes, sizes and abilities. It’s about your dance. A funky, soulful fast track to freedom. 

Freedom from all the chatter in our heads. Freedom from judgement. Freedom from comparison. Freedom from blame. Freedom from self-doubt. A deep freedom that permits us to be fully present: Here, in this moment, with this breath, with this body, with this heart, with this mind, with this soul.

It is a healing thing.

This dance is facilitated by Waves® and Heartbeat® accredited 5Rhythms teacher Chris Boylan. He has been studying 5Rhythms for twenty years and completed his teacher training with Gabrielle Roth in 2008. He teaches widely across the North of England and beyond and is the founder of the Healing in Motion project offering movemnt events serving people who have experienced abuse.

2.45-7.45pm Victoria Dock Village Hall, Southbridge Road, Hull HU9 1TS

Cost: £35 standard rate concessions on application. Just £20 if you are new to 5Rhythms £10 after 19th January.

Ticketing link: http://buytickets.at/rootsandwings/221663



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In een 5Ritmes® Waves Workshop ervaar je de basis van het gehele 5Ritmes spectrum. Tijdens een workshop vindt verdieping plaats van je fysieke expressie, de ritmes en hun polariteiten. VOORWAARDE VOOR DEELNAME: Geen.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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