
5Rhythms Workshop

Grounded Joy

Led by: Chris Camp
12 May 2023 - 13 May 2023
Locatie: Clarenhof, Guffenslaan 43
Hasselt, Belgium Show map
Organizer: Sindy Robberechts

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Everyone – or at least most people – would like to be happy. There is often both a conscious and unconscious search for Joy going on. Even on a body (neurobiology) level we are looking for the right input so we can have an experience of pleasure in our nervous system. Food, drinks, screens, social media, shopping, addiction, … each of us has their own way to find this feeling of happiness inside.

In this workshop we will use the heartbeat map of the 5 Rhythms to investigate what we call ‘Grounded Joy’. Grounded joy is a term used to describe the experience of joy that is anchored in the present moment and connected to the physical sensations in the body. This type of joy is different from fleeting or surface-level happiness, as it is rooted in a deeper sense of well-being and connection to self.


 This workshop counts towards the 5Rhythms Teacher Training as 1,5 days of Heartbeat level.

Prerequisites: 15 hours of Waves level

Location: Clarenhof, Guffenslaan 43, 3500 Hasselt
Date & Time: 12-13 Mei, Friday Evening 19u30 – 21u30, Saturday 10u-17u.
Price: 95€
Info & Registration: Sindy – sindy.robberechts@gmail.com

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In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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