
5Rhythms Workshop

MOVE'n'REST Summer Workshop

10 Aug 2019 - 16 Aug 2019
Locatie: Sports Hall "Sokolana", Sv. Ivana 3, 21 403 Sutivan
Sutivan, Croatia Show map
Organizer: Silvija Tomcik

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“Move, until you are moved.” Gabrielle Roth

This workshop is a unique and wonderful opportunity to practice both the power of moving and the art of resting. Whether in the dance hall or on the beach, in the shade, on the waves, or having an ice-cream, we will be discovering the beauty, wisdom, gifts, and challenges in both moving and resting, while looking for the essential balance. We will be dancing for 2  hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening, which leaves plenty of precious time for enjoying other benefits of being on an island, being with oneself, with nature, with others. Every day we will explore one of the 5 Rhythms – in its “power” and “inner” Wave.


Previous experience of 5Rhythms is not needed, but is welcome

Workshop will be led in English.


Workshop prices: Full price 290 EUR. Early bird price, open until 20th of June with a 70 EUR non-refundable deposit, 250 EUR. Working team price 150 EUR. 

Time: The workshop begins on Saturday 10 August at 19:00 h and ends on Saturday 17 August at 12 h.

Accommodation: the best is to contact Tourist office, and visit their website. There is one hotel in Sutivan, and many private accommodation as well as one auto camp. tzosutivan@gmail.comwww.visitsutivan.com

We recommend you to book for your place to stay as soon as possible as this is at the high season time!

Travel: look for flights to Split, and then there is a 1 hour ferry ride to Supetar and 15 minutes bus drive to Sutivan. There is also a speed boat to Supetar. Split is very well connected with train and bus, as well as with highway.

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In een 5Ritmes® Waves Workshop ervaar je de basis van het gehele 5Ritmes spectrum. Tijdens een workshop vindt verdieping plaats van je fysieke expressie, de ritmes en hun polariteiten. VOORWAARDE VOOR DEELNAME: Geen.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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