
5Rhythms Workshop

Peace and Quiet

Led by: Chris Camp
26 Dec 2024
Locatie: Fitopia, Mechelsesteenweg 154
Edegem, Belgium Show map
Organizer: Chris Camp

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 "Peace doesn't mean that you will not have problems.
Peace means that your problems will not have you."

-- Tony Evans

We call ourselves human beings. Many of us have a deep longing to just be. To have an effortless deep quiet connection with ourselves and others. We have a hunger for simplicity, ease, tranquility, silence and space. Within the rhythm of stillness, we encounter the emotions of peace and quietness, which arise from a deep sense of acceptance and presence.  Peace is the feeling of harmony and balance that emerges when we are in tune with ourselves and our surroundings, free from inner conflict and turmoil. Quietness, on the other hand, is the serene state of mind that comes from letting go of mental chatter and embracing the silence within.

In this workshop we will use our practice of embodiment to calm our hearts, quiet our minds and turn down the volume on our distractions. As we go on this journey we will discover our emotional states that keep us away from the state of tranquility and serenity. Moving through our barriers we touch into moments of peace and quietness, where we can hear our true selves and connect with our inner truth, finding solace and strength in the stillness. This deep, restful state is a sanctuary where we can rejuvenate and restore our spirit, carrying the qualities of stillness into our daily lives.


The workshop counts as 1 heartbeat day towards the 5Rhythms® Teacher Training.

Prerequisites: 15 hours of Waves level

Location: Fitopia, Mechelsesteenweg 221, Edegem
Date: Thursday 26 December 2024, 10u - 17u
Price: 95 €
Info & registration: info@fitopia.be

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In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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