
5Rhythms Workshop

Riding the Waves - Atelier 5Rhythms, Brasov

Led by: Peter Fejer
19 May 2018 - 20 May 2018
Locatie: Școala Primară Liberă Waldorf Sophia, Strada Paltinis nr. 6.
Brasov, Romania Show map
Organizer: Dana Costea

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 "The drums kept going and so did I. I danced till I disappeared inside the dance, till there was nothing left of me but the rhythm of my breath. I entered another universe, shifted into a new dimension in which there were no boundaries; everything was energy and I was just a particle riding the universal wave."

—Gabrielle Roth, Sweat Your Prayers

Waves are patterns of traveling energy, they are the form of changing and expanding energy. In 5Rhythms we dance with the waves, we dance with the energy flow. On this workshop we will focus on the different ways, how can we develop a more intimate connection to the flow of energy. We will learn how we can find the trust to go with the flow instead of fighting it or sinking beneath it. We will practice on a very simple physical level to receive energy, to move with it and to let it go. As we dance with the waves of the energy we become more fluid, more flexible. We ourselves turn into waves, constantly changing, evolving, expanding. The rhythm of chaos invites us to let go of our usual patterns, and to open the movements to every new possibility that offer themselves. 



Saturday 19 May: 17:00 - 20:00

Sunday 20 May: 10:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 17:00


Free Primary School Waldorf Sophia, Paltinis No. 6 Street


Early bird, until 5th of May:

60 RON for participating only Saturday

110 RON for participating only Sunday

150 RON for participating both Saturday and Sunday

Price after 5th of May:

80 RON for participating only Saturday

140 RON for participating only Sunday

190 RON for participating both Saturday and Sunday

For 2 persons who pay together: 10% discount

For 3+ persons who pay together: 15% discount

Refund Policy


Registration Policy

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In een 5Ritmes® Waves Workshop ervaar je de basis van het gehele 5Ritmes spectrum. Tijdens een workshop vindt verdieping plaats van je fysieke expressie, de ritmes en hun polariteiten. VOORWAARDE VOOR DEELNAME: Geen.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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