
5Rhythms Workshop

Urban Dance Retreat, Rite of passage to 2019, Come and dance 1, 2, 3 up till 14

23 Dec 2018 - 5 Jan 2019
Locatie: Jungle Amsterdam, 2e van swindenstraat 26
Amsterdam, Netherlands Show map

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What do you long to start the New Year? 


New Years’ time naturally is a time for reflection. 

A period to look back and to feel about what has passed. Also a time to look ahead and set intentions for what is coming.

We often don’t take time for reflection. For many of us this period is a time of obligations or a time of being alone.

We, as humans, have our annual cycle, just as the sun, the moon and the earth have their cycle. 

Winter naturally is a time to turn inward and follow our inner movements.

If we do not follow that movement, we often end up being tired at the start of the new season.

If we follow the movement inwards, we will collect fresh energy for the next cycle.

This retreat

In this retreat we use dance (5Rhythms®) poetry, short meditations, ritual and making collages or other art forms to give form to this reflection.

The location is in Amsterdam. It is possible to join one or more day(s) and thereby give your meaning to the New Years beginning.

On New Year's Eve we create a ritual in 3 sessions with potluck meal and labyrinth. We make the transition to the New Year conscious and celebrate the start of the New Year.



23/12 t/m 05/01

10:30-13:00 ( dance and reflection) 

14:00-16.30 (collages & art) 

Holidays: (25/26 Dec en 1 Jan.) 

12.30-16:00 (dans)

New Years Ritual in 3 parts on Dec 31st

Morning: 11:00-13.30(€25,=)*

Afternoon: 14:30-17.30 (€35,=)

Evening: 20:00-00:30 (€45,=)* 

(whole day (€90,=)*

*take somebody for 1/2 price


Register for free daily inspiration by email for 10 days. 


Min. bijdrage per dag(deel) €20,=, 

On Dec 31st different prices (see above)

Refund Policy


Registration Policy

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In een 5Ritmes® Waves Workshop ervaar je de basis van het gehele 5Ritmes spectrum. Tijdens een workshop vindt verdieping plaats van je fysieke expressie, de ritmes en hun polariteiten. VOORWAARDE VOOR DEELNAME: Geen.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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