
5Rhythms Workshop


Led by: Silvija Tomcik
12 Apr 2019 - 14 Apr 2019
Locatie: Jugendzentrum Andritz, Prohaskagasse 21
Graz, Austria Show map
Organizer: Stefania Kregel

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To take your courage by the hand and look into the fears hidden under the bed, locked in our bones. To find your strength in being aware of your vulnerability. Pain that makes me angry, anger that hurts. How many dances does it take to let out a scream, to go through “crime and punishment”, to repair broken boundaries, to say a clear NO to whatever is wrong and violent, and to forgive ourselves, and others? To enter the inner chamber of your heart where sadness lives, to sit on its soft couch, to feel the edges of the lake of our tears touch other lakes of tears around us. We open the channels in our body and heart for the sadness to flow and cleansing us of fresh and old disappointments, while we practice the ability to surrender to life. To expand our capacity to tolerate the feeling of simplicity, lightness, beauty, and light in and around ourselves. To celebrate the moments of joy that uplift us, relax us, and open us. To explore our heart and soul as they grow through our generosity.

As we go through our emotions with more awareness, we can see how they connect us with others who are also going through them in the same or completely different time, place, way. If our heart wishes to serve other hearts, then it will start from the place that we know so well, from that bridge which has brought us to the other side, the feeling of compassion.


« Freeing the body leads inevitably to freeing the heart. Emotions need to flow like the blood circulating in the body. When our emotional arteries are blocked, when our heart is jammed up, our whole life lacks elan, vitality. And trying to love without our emotions flowing is like trying to drive a car with a seized-up engine, or run a marathon with collapsed lungs. » Gabrielle Roth


 Prerequisites: 15 hours of Waves level.


This workshop counts as 2,5 days of Heartbeat level towards the 5Rhythms Teacher Training prerequisites.


Times:  Friday: Open Wave 18.00-20.30

Saturday: 12-19h

Sunday: 10:30-17h



(including Friday Open Wave)

180,- € Full Price

160,- € Jagati Members and early booking price (until 1.3.2019)

140,- € Early Booking price for Jagati members

100.- € Working Team Price


Refund Policy


Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.

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