
5Rhythms Les

Rhythm & Ritual

Next Class: 4 Apr 2025 07:00pm - 09:00pm
Locatie: Wightman School Community Building , 5604 Solway Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States Show map
Organizer: Alyssa Jurewicz-Johns

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 Through the practice of collective ritual movement we are privileged to experience ourselves as prepared, present, passionate, principled and potent.

When we set aside the quality time and claim the psychic space for moving our life metaphors, and when we assume the authority to do so, we are able to transform our perceptions, our perspectives, our experiences, and in the process, our reality.

Rhythm and Ritual is a movement tradition, a meditation practice, a dance lab and community theater all rolled into one juicy, sassy class - where you get to walk your edges, express your heart and slow dance yourself into softness. 

Join in this dynamic movement class where we honor ourselves, each other and this earth through the ritual of embodying and moving through the rhythms of flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness, the Medicine Map of the 5Rhythms®.

$25 – Waves™ Classes with Alyssa 

$15 Students 

**Discounted Tickets Reserved for Financial Hardships – 

Please inquire Directly alyssa@alyssajurewiczjohns.com


 **Arrival Notes: 

-Dress in comfortable layers – bring water 

-please arrive at least 10 minutes prior to class start time to register and settle in

-Free street parking & small lot to the right of the building

-Take elevator or stairs to the 3rd Floor - easiest to enter through side door

Want to learn more about this world-wide moving meditation practice? Visit 5RHYTHMS

Refund Policy

 **No Refunds 

Registration Policy

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In een 5Ritmes® Waves Workshop ervaar je de basis van het gehele 5Ritmes spectrum. Tijdens een workshop vindt verdieping plaats van je fysieke expressie, de ritmes en hun polariteiten. VOORWAARDE VOOR DEELNAME: Geen.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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