
5Rhythms Les


Led by: Rebekah Zhuraw
Next Class: 16 Feb 2025 12:00pm - 02:00pm
Locatie: Pig Iron Theatre School, 1417 N. 2nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19122
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States Show map
Organizer: Rebekah Zhuraw

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When we put our bodies into motion we become waves of infinite possibility, forming and reforming ourselves in every moment. Sanctuary is an invitation to drop into the Wave and set yourself free. Moving with the felt sense of the body, we are more present and alive, connected to self and to the world, centered in our hearts, aligned with spirit, home. This is our meditation.

$25 at the door. $20 hardship.


This class meets on 1st & 3rd Sundays.  Please note: In December we will meet on 4th Sunday instead of 3rd Sunday!

Registration Policy

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In een 5Ritmes® Waves Workshop ervaar je de basis van het gehele 5Ritmes spectrum. Tijdens een workshop vindt verdieping plaats van je fysieke expressie, de ritmes en hun polariteiten. VOORWAARDE VOOR DEELNAME: Geen.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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