
5Ritmes docenten

"Dance and live as if nobody is watching. Connect with truth of your life and body."
Czech Republic Teacher Community

Ladka Rosikova

5Rhythms Teacher in Training

I danced  5Rhythms for the first time in 2008 and instantly, it felt so natural to me! It became my journey since then. Dancing as a journey to releasing my body and mind. A journey to present moment, to feeling of joy and lightness of being. To connect with my soul, my source, my authentic self, my heart calling, my vision. To connect with others. A path to self-discovery, to finding the freedom from my own limits and to finding the answers to my questions.

In 2017 I realized that dance is a calling of my life, my mission, a happy place in my life that I am able to share with others. That was the beginning to my SpaceHolder path. I am now on the path to become 5R teacher.

Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Danst sinds: 2008
Talen: Czech, English, French, Russian, Slovak

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