
5Ritmes docenten

"Movement acts just like a medicine on the body. Sometimes through minute movements, sometimes big and outrageous ones. Right across this spectrum of movements healing can take place. "
Netherlands Teacher Community

Ron Hagendoorn

Gecertificeerde 5Ritmes docent
Ron Hagendoorn has been dancing for over 26 years, including 19 years of 5Rhythms® practice. His commitment to the 5Rhythms grows as he discovers the full scope of this movement meditation. 5Rhythms has space for comfort and discomfort, which makes it the most comprehensive dance form he came across. Ron was trained by Gabrielle Roth (Waves® in 2007) and Jonathan Horan (Heartbeat® in 2018). His teaching style is clear and balanced, with an appreciation of the mystery of human life.

Apart from being an accredited 5Rhythms teacher Ron is also a therapist (Somatic Experiencing®). He is a member of the 5Rhythms Teachers Association, lives in the Netherlands and teaches internationally in the Waves and Heartbeat level of this practice.

His smile and enthousiasm are contagious!
Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Danst sinds: 2000 Geeft les sinds: 2007
Talen: Dutch, English, French

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Rotterdam, Netherlands


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