
5Ritmes docenten

Sarka Provaznikova

Gecertificeerde 5Ritmes docent

5 rhythms has been a part of my life for over 20 years. My first encounter was in Prague in 1998. I felt included and loved. There was a sense of togetherness in a group, a place for people of all ages and all abilities, a place where all were deeply welcome.

I love the constant inner exploration- of my feelings, my needs, boundaries and my heart- through movement. In each dance I am discovering who the real me is at that very moment.  In every dance I meet a new body, a new mind and a new soul.

It is a real and authentic practice which makes me a better, more conscious and kinder human being. It helps me understand what  life about, and how I can be in service to it.

Being an Alexander technique body practitioner and a psychotherapist, I find that my work is extremely enhanced thanks to 5R dancing practice. 

In 2023 I finally embarked on a journey of becoming a 5R teacher, a teacher of this beloved practice, so that I can dedicate my time and energy to sharing it with the world.

Maps: Waves
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Danst sinds: 1998 Geeft les sinds: 2024
Talen: Czech, English

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