Align - A 5Rhythms Movement & Mindfulness Workshop
Align - A 5Rhythms® Movement and Mindfulness Workshop
With Layah Jane and David Denis
Feb 8-9, 2019
Toronto, Canada
We live in a world that values "doing" over states of being. In the speedy race to get our lives done, we sometimes forget to ask ourselves, "What am I working towards? Am I living in alignment with my deepest callings and core values?"
When we praise high productivity, we often silence our body's signals to slow down. We may find ourselves feeling overtired, frustrated, anxious, or disconnected from a sense of purpose or joy.
How can we re-orient ourselves when we lose sight of our guiding light?
What practices can we turn to, to help us re-centre?
How can we align what matters to us, with what we give our time, energy, bodies, hearts, and minds to?
In this workshop, we will integrate the stillness of mindfulness meditation with the movement practice of the 5Rhythms. Together we will explore our relationship to doing and to being. We will feel into how we are being called to more fully embody our values and intentions for our lives, and we will dip into the wellspring of wisdom waiting for us right in our very own bodies and breath.
No previous experience is required in order to participate. This workshop counts towards 5Rhythms Teacher Training Waves prerequisites.
Dates: Feb 8-9, 2019
Venue: Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave, Toronto, ON
Hours: Friday 7-9:30pm, Saturday 12-6pm
Cost: $125 Early Bird by Jan 25, 2019 / $150 Regular after Jan 25, 2019
$35 Friday only
Contact: Layah at
Register starting Nov 15, 2018.
David Denis is a Registered Psychotherapist and has been teaching Mindfulness for 10 years. He has taught Mindfulness meditation to people from all walks of life looking to alleviate depression and anxiety, improve performance at work and in other pursuits, and to increase joy and engagement in life.
Layah Jane is a certified 5Rhythms teacher, and is accredited with the 5Rhythms Teachers Association. Layah has facilitated movement for people of all ages and abilities since 2003, and is passionate about offering space for music and motion to become medicine.
Dates: Feb 8-9, 2019
Venue: Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave, Toronto, ON
Hours: Friday 7-9:30pm, Saturday 12-6pm
Cost: $150 Regular / $120 Students and Seniors
$35 Friday only
Contact: Layah at
Register starting Nov 15, 2018.
Refund Policy
Registration Policy
Pre-Registration Required
Elective workshops combine the 5Rhythms practice with other disciplines. These workshops hold true to the 5Rhythms Maps and weave in deep investigations that compliment the teachings. This workshop will count as an Elective on the 5Rhythms Dancing Path towards Teacher Training.