
5Rhythms Workshop


Led by: Chantell Foss
19 Jan 2019
Locatie: Forbes Hall Community Centre, 292 North Cove Road
Thetis Island, British Columbia, Canada Show map

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We'll use the natural, welcoming process of the 5Rhythms Wave to re-introduce ourselves to ourselves, enter the present moment, and also gently mark our entrance to this newborn year, 2019. Each of the five rhythms contains vast teachings. We'll enter each in turn with simplicity and curiosity, as if stepping from the shores of a stream into the gentle current of the water. Our bodies will be our gateway: 1. we'll breathe and notice our breathing; 2. we'll actively feel our own body as a whole and in its parts; 3. we'll allow movement to arise from our attention to our breathing, sensing bodies... and repeat. Entering, entering, entering... 


Sliding scale $15-$20

Please wear comfy layers and consider bringing indoor dancing shoes for this older community hall that may well be draughty in January weather.

Young ones (kids) welcome in this dance.

If you're walking onto the ferry to Thetis, be assured it's a very short walk to the hall from the ferry: about 5 to 7 minutes. Please walk against traffic.

If you are coming "footy" by ferry, let us know what ferry you're coming in on and we can pick you up. Off islanders are encouraged to take the 5:10 boat, which will arrive at 5:45, and our team can pick you up to arrive with a few minutes to get settled.

There are no corner stores or snacks available onsite, so please bring snacks you might require. There is excellent drinking water available in a water fountain at the hall.

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In een 5Ritmes® Waves Workshop ervaar je de basis van het gehele 5Ritmes spectrum. Tijdens een workshop vindt verdieping plaats van je fysieke expressie, de ritmes en hun polariteiten. VOORWAARDE VOOR DEELNAME: Geen.
PREREQUISITES: No prerequisites required.

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