Heartbeat level WISDOM OF THE WOMB 5Rhythms ® for women
"Awakened fear is the source of our intuition. Awakened anger establishes healthy boundaries. Awakened desire is the creative Impulse flowing through us. Awakened shame is liberated humility. Awakened grief teaches us how to mourn and therefore how to live. Awakened sadness is utter release. Awakened guilt is proper remorse and contrition."
- C. Dierkes
During the workshop we will sink deeper into the rhythms of our body and heart. We will spend a quality time grounding ourselves as preparation to explore the five essential feelings in Heartbeat practice. We will be tapping in to an innate and natural responses to the environment by drawing from the intuition, power, and insights that the body has to offer. We will be reconnecting with the primal wisdom of the Five Emotions: the Fear that protects us, the Anger that defends us, the Sadness that releases us, the Joy that uplifts us and the Compassion that unites us.
You will be invited to practice how to trust the flow and the beat of your heart.
My intention is to bring women together to step into their power so we can heal ourselves and the world together, with grace, forgiveness, compassion and with fierce feminine power.
This workshop is an invitation to come home to your body. To find self-love and ease in your body. From this place, the powerful flow of our life awakens.
***All workshops hours count towards the training path prerequisites for 5Rhythms certification. For more information contact Kat***
Refund Policy
Place booked by non refundable deposit.
Registration Policy
Pre-Registration Required
In Heartbeat we explore our emotions as energy, as power, as part of being human. Old feelings that have been locked in our limbs or caged in our chest begin to shake loose. We get comfortable with feelings, neither hanging onto them nor pushing them away.