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In-Together - Monday Waves in-studio

Led by: Lina Nahhas
Mondays 07:30 pm - 09:30 pmNext Class: 20 Jan 2025
Lokacija: Joint Space, Al Serkal Avenue Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates Prikaži mapu
Organizer: Lina Nahhas

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Coming together after our short lockdown in 2020, has never been sweeter as we kept finding our feet again and again, amidst the shakiness ... we come Together to sweat our prayers and free our spirit in the movement, and in what has become our weekly sanctuary. Let us keep doing it shall we?  

New day of the week. New Space to hold us all. 

Let us keep dipping into this sense of normalcy and keep the movement going with connection to eachother, the teachings, and the floor....

Limited space per class - 35 only.

Pre-Registartionnecessary  to secure your place// 135 dhs pp

Drop-ins (subject to availability on the night) - 145 dhs pp

7:30-9:30pm (Doors open by 7:15pm. Please come early to

enjoy the space and connect so we can all start on time)

Joint Space -  Al Serkal Avenue - Dubai

Pre-registration and payment necessary to secure your space. ALL DETAILS HERE: www.bookwhen.com/lina5rhythms

Cannot wait to SEE you all soon



Pre-registration and payment necessary to guarantee your spot

Pre-registration on Bookwehen / Payment on Mamopay Link: 135 dhs

** www.bookwhen.com/lina5rhythms


(Arrive by 7:15pm to enjoy the space and connect)

Please wear your mask at all times in public areas. 

Bring a bottle of water labelled with your name and your curiosity!

Refund Policy


Registration Policy

Pre-Registration Required


A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREDUVJETI: No prerequisites required.

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