
5Ritmova Sat

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5Rhythms Sweat

Led by: Tim Doody
Mondays 06:30 pm - 08:00 pm
18 Mar 2024 - 3 Jun 2024
Lokacija: Jersey Shore Arts Center, 66 S. Main Street Ocean Grove, NJ
Asbury Park, New Jersey, United States Prikaži mapu

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This Sweat is offered as part of the 5Rhythms Teacher Training Program.

We begin with a gentle warm-up and demonstration. Then we move through an unguided Wave where the music moves you and your body is the teacher.

The music goes from really chill to full-on and back down again - as do the Rhythms.

Sweat conducted by Tim Doody, Teacher in Training, mentored by Alessandro Moruzzi


All ages. All shapes. All sizes. All genders. All abilities.

Ramp and elevator for accessibility.

How we come together

Barefoot or minimal footwear - no street shoes on the dance floor.

Listen to your body - follow the Rhythms at your own pace.

Keep your eyes (mostly) open. Keep your feet (mostly) on the ground.

Respect your own boundaries and the boundaries of others.

If you accidentally bump into someone, please find a way to acknowledge it.

No experience necessary - just come as you are! And pack water.

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I am currently participating in the training path to become a certified 5Rhythms teacher.

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