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The Wednesday Practice Online

Led by: Ann Kite
Wednesdays 12:00 pm - 01:00 pmNext Class: 29 Jan 2025
Lokacija: Online
Washington, District of Columbia, United States Prikaži mapu

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Created by Gabrielle Roth and practiced by tens of thousands worldwide, 5Rhythms® is a philosophy, perspective, performance art and a dynamic movement practice rooted in the principle that if you put the psyche in motion it will heal itself. Movement is both the medicine and the metaphor, reaching across all languages, cultures and age groups to transform suffering into art, art into awareness, and awareness into action. Wherever the 5Rhythms are practiced, a community is born to dance, to sweat, to change, to support, and to provide a safe space for each of us to shatter the ego’s hold and awaken the juicy, unpredictable, fascinating, edge-walking, rock star part of ourselves that yearns to be free.

Creativity. Connection. Community.

There are no steps to learn. 5Rhythms can be practiced by anyone regardless of age, fitness, ability, or experience. For more information about what to expect in your first 5Rhythms class, see our About 5Rhythms page.


This class will be offered online using Zoom video conferencing software. You will need a Zoom user account and the Zoom app on either your computer or mobile device. Both can be obtained at https://zoom.us/. After sending payment through TicketTailor, you will be given a link to register for the Zoom class. We can provide only limited technical support with Zoom software, so please make sure your app is working before class begins. Students may join the class 10 minutes early to exchange greetings and verify that software is working. All students will have microphones muted during class. Students may choose to either share or disable their camera at any time during the class. If you like your music loud, we recommend using powered speakers that amplify the sound.

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A Gabrielle Roth 5Rhythms Waves workshop is the foundation of the entire body of 5Rhythms work in which we expand our class work with a deepened physical expression and knowledge of the essential 5Rhythms and their polarities.
PREDUVJETI: No prerequisites required.

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