
5Ritmova Učitelji

"Forget the dancer. Become the dance. That is the meditation. - Osho"
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Ajay Rajani

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova

Ajay Rajani is an accredited teacher of the 5Rhythms who trained with Jonathan Horan, son of Gabrielle Roth, in 2014. Ajay was born in Africa with Indian roots and grew up in London, England where he thrives in a diverse, multicultural community speaking five international languages. His spiritual journey began over 20 years ago with a strong practice of seated meditation and this continues to inform his 5Rhythms teaching where he inspires embodying the moment and allowing your body to be your greatest teacher.    

Love all. Serve all. Dance.


Location: London, United Kingdom
Pleše od: 2009 Podučava Od: 2014
Jezici: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi

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