
5Ritmova Učitelji

"Dancing, I'm consumed and whole, dissolved and concrete, kissing Earth and breathing sky.~Amy"
Eastern Canada Teacher Community
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Amy Dhindsa

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova

It all begins with Earth. She is the ground from which I being and end. In my times of joy, of sorrow, of love, of death, of grief, of growth; the Earth holds me.  From the wisdom of Her gravity I find my clarity, I’m supported in letting go, I rise towards a lightness of being, and She breathes with me in stillness. The 5Rhythms are a coming home for me. A profound knowing that this is one of my paths. Perfect maps for finding my imperfect self, again and again. I am honoured to hold sacred space for your dance and to bear witness to your uniqueness.

Maps: Waves
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Pleše od: 2012
Jezici: English, French

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada


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