
5Ritmova Učitelji

"To move with all of it feels so much better then to be stuck within all of it."
Germany Teacher Community
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Bettina Leuckert

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova
Moving has a lot to do with feeling alive. In the 5Rhythms practice dancing has a lot to do with allowing movement to unfold. Letting my body do what it wants to do, giving space to the energy of emotions, getting in touch with the depths of a dancing soul - what a relief! Besides that this practice brings me back to the deeper sensations of my body: the pulse of my blood, the vibration of cells, the rhythm of breath. Being able to return to these daily miracles again and again is a blessing!
Maps: Waves
Location: Berlin, Germany
Pleše od: 2002 Podučava Od: 2008
Jezici: German, English

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10 Nov 2024
Berlin, Germany


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