
5Ritmova Učitelji

"It is through 5Rhythms that movement becomes the language of the soul, allowing us to explore our authenticity, heal our wounds, and rediscover our sense of belonging. Each step is a journey home."
Italy Teacher Community
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Carmela Gabriele

5Rhythms Teacher in Training
I am a 5Rhythms teacher with an immense passion for movement and conscious dance. I embarked on my journey with 5Rhythms in 2012, and since then, I have discovered the beauty of movement as the language of the soul. My quest has been guided by one primary goal: "coming home." I realized that 5Rhythms is my rediscovered language for a sense of belonging and wholeness.

My teaching approach focuses on the body as a vehicle for authentic expression, love as the driving force of practice, and emotions as a guide for deep exploration of one's being. Through ever-evolving movement, I have learned to connect with myself and others in ways I could never have imagined.

5Rhythms has become my refuge, my place of healing and discovery. I am grateful for every step, every movement, every emotion I have experienced on this wonderful journey. I feel privileged to share this passion with anyone wishing to explore their inner journey through the power of conscious movement.

In my classes, I am dedicated to creating a safe and judgment-free space where each participant can freely explore their authentic self. Come dance with us and discover your path home through movement. Your 5Rhythms adventure awaits!
Location: , Puglia, Italy
Pleše od: 2012
Jezici: Italian, English, German, Japanese

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