
5Ritmova Učitelji

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. (Albert Einstein)"
Belgium Teacher Community
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Christiane Van de Velde

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova

Creativity is a word I don't readily use to describe myself, except when I am dancing. Dancing opens up a realm of endless possibilities, exploring my body, my heart and soul, connecting with my self and with others.

5Rhythms provides me a safe container that helps me to let go of all expectations and just be me. Discovering again and again that my true self is creative and inspiring, not in the least to myself. Dancing replenishes my life energy, encourages me to live fully and no longer hold myself back.

I started dancing to heal my self, but somewhere along the line I felt the urge to become a teacher. Being able to share this with you, makes me feel that I am the lucky one.

Maps: Waves
Location: , Belgium
Pleše od: 2002 Podučava Od: 2018
Jezici: English, Dutch

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