
5Ritmova Učitelji

"We reside in our body to express the unique and amazing being living inside. Telling the truth through the body liberates us from the confines of social structure and hardened beliefs of self. In other words, dancing ROCKS!"
California Teacher Community
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Davida Taurek

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova

Fascinated by the artistry and healing nature of theater, dance, and self-expression, Davida moved to NYC to work closely with Gabrielle Roth in 1989, and began teaching the 5Rhythms in 1994. Davida has a diverse academic background in counseling psychology, the creative arts, and body-centered therapies. She is an Associate Faculty at Prescott College, and is the coordinating director for the Somatic Emphasis in their Master of Science Counseling Program. 

Davida teaches annually at the Esalen Institute, and is a certified instructor of Watsu, WaterDance, Motion Theater, and the 5Rhythms. She is widely known for her delightful sense of humor, fiery passion, authentic and caring presence, and evocative devotional teaching style. Davida is full-heartedly committed to this embodied path, and knows that it not only ignites our creativity and informs our daily life, but also greatly enhances our sense of wellbeing and aliveness. She leads trainings and workshops worldwide. 

Maps: Waves, Heartbeat
Location: San Rafael, California, United States
Pleše od: 1987 Podučava Od: 1987
Jezici: English

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