
5Ritmova Učitelji

".. a Movement Nomad in selfless service to the Beat that Moves Me & Rocks You. A source of strength and receptivity that burns to Rhythm & Sound & Movement. Respect to my Family. Respect to my Elders."
Hawaii Teacher Community
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Douglas Drummond

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova
Kia Ora! I was introduced to the 5Rhythms by my mother when I was 19 years old and experienced my first class with Gabrielle. The 5Rhythms is the expression of my Artistic Shapeshifter - a galaxy of creativity - my path is leading me to be at service to others with this practice.I love the fusion between Live & Recorded Rhythm and introduce a balance of Wild Son & Holy Ghost in my offerings.

I am currently based at the Esalen Institute where I work as the Director for Healing Arts & Somatics. I look forward to meeting you.

Maps: Waves
Location: Big Sur, California, United States
Jezici: English, Zulu

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