
5Ritmova Učitelji

""You have been invited to the Divine banquet, and here you are, crawling after crumbs" Sufi Wisdom "
Northeast US Teacher Community
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Emiliano Ena

Sweat SpaceHolder, mentored by Alessandro Moruzzi

This map holds the possibility to take us to the place where the mind is free from fluctuations and let our heart's whispers come forth. It is simple yet very powerful.

Gabrielle Roth's 5Rhythms completely transformed my life in a way i could even hardly imagine. The more i move the more i am moved and my processes move with Life in un-explicable ways. And in my experience is true also the opposite. The 5Rhythms are a sanctuary where i have a chance to start from anew, again and again. Is the Dojo where i can practice my humanity without boundaries and remember it take it to the streets with me.

The door of this dance is always open, but to find yours, there is only one  options: step in and start moving until the mind is tired and see what happens.

Come as you are with what you have. Let it move through you. Move on.

Emiliano lives in Pittsburgh, PA and is a world passionate traveler too. He has been initiated in Isha yoga, studies the frame drums different traditions, loves cooking and the stories left on the Silk Road. He's been 5Rhythms accredited to introduce this map since 2019.

Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Pleše od: 2014
Jezici: English, Italian, Spanish

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