
5Ritmova Učitelji

"Dance is my passion, My Love affair with life on the dance floor...."
England Teacher Community
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Emma Leech

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova
have been dancing 5 Rhythms since 1991, I trained to teach it after some resistance to be a teacher for 10 years...finally seduced by the Lady of the dance herself Gabrielle Roth and completed the training in 2001. I fell deeper into the mystery of the dance and its healing Art form and have now been teaching 5 rhythms Waves and Heartbeat level in ...prisons, addiction programs and with children at risk, as well as my workshops globally and weekly classes. I continue to follow the flow of invitations and my intuition . Film has given me another sense to explore https://vimeo.com/732154400

Location: London, United Kingdom
Pleše od: 1991 Podučava Od: 2001
Jezici: English

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East Sussex, United Kingdom


14 Sep 2024 - 15 Sep 2024
East Sussex, United Kingdom
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