
5Ritmova Učitelji

"Dance like nobody is watching Baila como si nadie estuviera mirando"
Spain Teacher Community
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Janis Fernandez

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova

Dancing is home and freedom.

I have always found myself dancing since I was little girl. Through the 5Rhythms I have come back to  my essence, over and over again. I never get bored, I always find something new through my body-mind-spirit in movement that keeps fascinating me and engages my curiosity. I'm so happy to have come all this way, so many dances, countries, personal discoveries, overcoming big walls in my way just to keep arriving to my heart, to my truth, keep adjusting every day to the mystery of the  innate wisdom moving through me, moving through us. 

Sharing this practise keeps me connected to the important things in life. 

Hope to see you on the dance floors!

Maps: Waves
Location: Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain
Pleše od: 2011
Jezici: English, Spanish

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