
5Ritmova Učitelji

"If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance. - George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright"
Ireland Teacher Community
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Jenny Fahy

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova

I have been practising the 5Rhythms since 2000, when I stepped into a class in Galway City. Thank you Caitríona Ní Ghiollaphadraig for bringing the 5Rhythms to Ireland!
I have travelled through my 20's, 30's and now in my mid-40's with this practise as my constant. I feel so alive and intuitively creative when I move and dance. 

I teach once a month in Limerick and Galway and also classes in North Tipperary where I live.

I continue to develop and nurture my own practice and I love travelling to dance in different countries and communities.

Follow Socials for upto date info:

Maps: Waves
Location: Limerick, Ireland
Pleše od: 2000 Podučava Od: 2007
Jezici: English, Gaelic

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