
5Ritmova Učitelji

"this dance is my practice; my presence, playfulness and passion meet
and the truest sense of my self emerges
here i connect to source & know my depth "
California Teacher Community
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Jo Bainbridge Cobbett

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova
through my passion i began offering the 5Rhythms® process in 1995

i've healed
broken heart
broken bones
broken ideals
through this portal and found infinite possibility in the process of engaged movement

we meet as our essential selves
this is where my community and true family has been fostered.

part of what motivates me to teach is a belief through dancing we can heal our inner wounds and in healing them we heal the earth.
that through dancing we can expand our capacity for joy.
while my home rhythm is lyrical, i have fallen in love with all the phases and aspects of the wave:
light & shadow
energy & emotion
solo & partnered & tribal
each is a facet of depth and relevance.

the dance is a practice of inclusion, intention and arriving in full presence.
as a moving meditation form, it is unparalleled for me, all aspects of creative expression are supported.
my background is in visual art and dancing has inspired my work and the exploration of new media for many participants in my workshops.
writing has also been a key element that has developed during my journey and has been a valued resource in many groups.
this combination of processes offers tools of insight and perception to the surrender in the dance and their integration can support long term transformation.

i've offered weekly classes in los angeles for 18 years and taught in india, bali, australia, new zealand, south africa, canada and europe
invitations to travel are welcomed.
Maps: Waves, Heartbeat
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
Pleše od: 1988 Podučava Od: 1997
Jezici: English

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Altadena, California, United States
Los Angeles, California, United States


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