
5Ritmova Učitelji

"When we dance, we make space for the magic to happen."
Hungary Teacher Community
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Julia Mercurio

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova
Dancing 5Rhythms has radically transformed my world and taught me how to re-inhabit my body and reclaim my power. It has brought oxygen into my lungs, made my heart open, my mind let go of control, my soul celebrate life and my spiritual seeking carve a direct path to spirit.

And although 5Rhythms couldnt fix all of my life issues, I do believe that the dance is a potent medicine for us human beings. When we bring our bodies into movement, healing can happen, body-mind-and-soul can align and true connection to our selves and to the community around us can grow. Our bodies carry wisdom that goes far beyond our thinking mind and the practice of 5Rhythms can help us to get in touch with that innate embodied intelligence.
I’ve been holding 5Rhythms Sweats in Budapest from 2016-2021 as part of the spaceholder program. Currently I am focussing on expanding my offerings of classes and workshops.

In my events I seek to create a safe space in which dancers can fully drop into their dancing exploration. My work as a teacher is infused by my love for soulful music, my experiences as being a woman in this world, many years of bodywork and somatic-psychotherapy, and more recently shamanic practice.
Maps: Waves
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Pleše od: 2010
Jezici: German, English

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Budapest, Hungary


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