
5Ritmova Učitelji

"I never stop dancing it's what keeps me sane."
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Liz Baron-Cohen

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova
I spent most of my 20's carrying Dj record boxes for friends and then dancing by the speakers all night long. I would get lost in the music and the dance.I never understood friends who went on the pull in clubs, for me it was a time to get lost in the beats and dance my heart out.The week before i gave birth to my first child someone told me i shouldn't be dancing at the club.I laughed and replied "i never stop dancing , it's what keeps me sane"

As a psychotherapist, acupuncturist and spiritual, shamanic healer i still think this.I prescribe dance as the best way to keep your mind bodying soul well.

I bring a flavour of old school London club scene mixed, with a desire to help people create space in their lives to my weekly class.I trust people will come HOME and find what they need, whether it's to unwind, de stress, create space to work out problems or just meet new people and be part of a community of good people.

We look forward to welcoming you to HOME where you can dance your heart out. See you on the dance floor. Huge love liz  

Maps: Waves
Location: London, United Kingdom
Pleše od: 2000 Podučava Od: 2007
Jezici: English

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