
5Ritmova Učitelji

"Plug into the bigger picture. Feel the transformation. - Jonathan Horan"
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Mary Hedger

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova

I've lived a life on the margins as I've been given a clear spiritual calling. Grounded, pragmatic yet inspired by the invisible. I've followed signs and intuition, steering a course driven by lifeforce.

I love living among plants and healing with herbal medicine. Rocks teach me long memory.

I find great vitality dancing the 5Rhythms.

I am a Queer Woman. I am a pagan and witch, with healing passed down through a path of ancestors.

I am excited to offer this dance where you can explore your path and seek healing for your unique being.

Maps: Waves
Location: Norfolk, United Kingdom
Pleše od: 2010
Jezici: English

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8 Feb 2025
Norfolk, United Kingdom


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