
5Ritmova Učitelji

"My true passion is dance and movement as the greatest catalyst for soulful expression. I believe in the mystery that I can feel everytime I’m able to show up on the dance floor. "
Argentina Teacher Community
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5Rhythms Teacher in Training
Since I was very young, expressing my emotional world through dance and play has been my ally to find the breakthrough each and every time. I worked as a Kindergarten teacher for sixteen years, where I learnt how to lead and follow in constant movement, creating and recreating the present moment together which each group of students that kept inspiring me to come back to my wild, free and connected spiritual form. I met the 5Rhythms after being a mother of twins and since I started practicing I immediately fell in love with the huge world that opened up for me. I was completely curious of the journey back home to my soul this practice was offering. I read the books of Gabrielle Roth and that was it. Every word resonated deep inside, and then I knew I had arrived home. I want to offer this practice because I want to keep inviting and inspiring people to be curious about their own journeys back home, with the 5Rhythms as catalysts of our experience, of our soul's most authentic expression. 
Location: , Sao Paulo, Brazil
Pleše od: 2018
Jezici: Spanish, English

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