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Natalia Chaber Szota

5Rhythms Teacher in Training

 Freedom. Truth. Autenticity.

These are the treasures I value most. And all of those I can find while I dance. I have always been fascinated in how the dance / movement give us a space of creative expression, empowering us into self-discovery

This is how I came across the 5 rhythms, which immediately became for me a map to my inner world.

5Rhythms is a practic which keeps me grounded in constantly changing world,which awakens the longing and need to share this practice with others.

Community.Belonging, Intimacy. Soul-to-Soul Connection. All this is waiting to be discovered - through our feet, through the body, through the breath.

This is our prayer.  

Location: Valence, France
Pleše od: 2015
Jezici: English, French, Polish

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