
5Ritmova Učitelji

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Peter Selwyn

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova

I am honored to be part of this group of dancing seekers. I stumbled into a 5 Rhythms workshop in 2012, met Gabrielle, and found my feet. 5Rhythms has deeply changed my relationship to my body, my work, and my life. I have been a physician for over 30 years, working with patients with AIDS since early in the epidemic, and more recently in  palliative and end-of-life care. While always focused on the body, I have come to see how medicine can isolate ,not integrate: I did not appreciate the healing powers of movement and release that 5 Rhythms offers, until I experienced this myself. Regardless of anyone’s physical condition or state of health, and without words or explanation, this is a  unique opportunity to help integrate mind, body, a beautiful invitation to feel fully alive, present, and whole.

I am so  grateful for meeting Gabrielle when I did: even then in those last precious months of her life, she was so generous, thoughtful,  and fiercely committed to help us bring 5 Rhythms to the community where I work in the Bronx, NY.  Since 2013 we have offered 5Rhythms classes in the Bronx for our hospital and healthcare staff, patients, and  family caregivers. I hope to continue exploring the possibilities of integrating 5 Rhythms in healthcare settings and communities that otherwise would never be able to access this path.  The movement truly is the medicine.  

Maps: Waves
Location: New York, New York, United States
Pleše od: 2012
Jezici: English, French, Spanish

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30 May 2025 - 1 Jun 2025
Budapest, Hungary
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