
5Ritmova Učitelji

"Everything is stored in our body and our body can not lie. What we resist persist. Letting go is all we can do for a healing transformation."
Sweden Teacher Community
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Prateeksha Katarina Thundal

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova
For me the 5Rhythms is such an amazing way to come back to myself. In the dance I can be myself without any pressure or goal. When I dance and teach I feel so much freedom, so much space inside and so much joy. The creativity then just come by itself. When I'm in the flow with the dance everything just happens. I have worked many years with people in different ways, like massage, in therapy groups, as a ski instructor and as a personal trainer. The dance allows us to be ourselves, to get in contact with our body, feelings and our potential. 
Maps: Waves
Location: Varberg, Sweden
Pleše od: 2004 Podučava Od: 2010
Jezici: English, French, Swedish

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