
5Ritmova Učitelji

"Dancing is just discovery, discovery, discovery." Martha Graham"
Western Canada Teacher Community
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Shauna Devlin

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova

Shauna is a warm & inclusive spirit. As a 5Rhythms teacher, DJ, activist and Founder of Dance Your Ability  she is a catalyst for connection and joy. She uses her love of music and movement to create spaces where all can experience the benefits of conscious dance & free style movement, providing opportunities for a large variety of people to feel welcome on any dance floor, be it indoors, outside or online and know connection & joy through dancing their own unique dance.

She offers weekly public & outreach classes, workshops, campout retreats and Outreach Facilitator Trainings. These days she is very passionate about offering spaces to dance in nature, offering a variety of outdoor events. 

Maps: Waves
Location: Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada
Pleše od: 2005 Podučava Od: 2010
Jezici: English, Spanish

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Victoria, British Columbia, Canada


11 Aug 2024 - 13 Aug 2024
Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada
23 Aug 2024 - 25 Aug 2024
Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada
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