
5Ritmova Učitelji

"If your body could speak, what would it say? Daria Halprin"
Belgium Teacher Community
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Stefanie Maddens

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova
Stepping onto the floor is like coming home for me... dance is my metaphor, my prayer for this life, this earth, the beauty in all things in and around every one of us. Dancing helped me to open up the pathway to love, self love, to acceptance, to loving life. We are so taught how to see and perceive our body. We all come from a lineage of teachings that are more often than not unauthentic and untrue. For me the rhythms are every time again a way to drop into myself, to allow myself to shine, to allow to be fully me and to feel beautiful in my skin in which I have been blessed to live in, to dance with, to cry from, to love from… The dancefloor creates a safe space, a safe container to feel free, to be with whatever is. My passion is creativity, searching to finding (new unexplored) ways to transformation; growth and inspiration to connect with yourself, with others and with the bigger source. I warmly welcome you into the dance to drop into yourself again, to allow yourself to shine, to be fully you.
Maps: Waves
Location: Izegem, Belgium
Pleše od: 2003 Podučava Od: 2016
Jezici: English, French, Dutch

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