
5Ritmova Učitelji

"Each of the rhythms takes us on a journey, the body being the vehicle and the wave our map.....with these we can go anywhere"
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Stuart Phillips

Certificirani Učitelj 5Ritmova

Having cut my dancing teeth tearing up the red dust of Goa’s legendary and untamed trance parties throughout the 1990s and with family life taking ascendance in the last decade with marriage and the subsequent arrival of two fantastic boys, my offerings are informed by the apparent wildness of our edges and the seeming ordinariness of day-to-day life and are driven by a commitment to ground this practice into the embodied consciousness of the present and future guardians of this planet, drawing on the wisdom of the sages, personal experience and the infinite simplicity of Gabriele’s maps. See you on the dance-floor!

Maps: Waves
Location: London, United Kingdom
Pleše od: 2007
Jezici: English, Catalan, French

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London, United Kingdom
9 Sep 2024
London, United Kingdom


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